UN, Mideast countries welcome Saudi-Iran agreement

UN, Mideast countries welcome Saudi-Iran agreement

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The United Nations (UN) and Middle East countries have welcomed an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran to resume diplomatic ties, saying that it will

contribute to regional security and stability and promote constructive cooperation that will benefit the region and the world.

Saudi Arabia and Iran have agreed to restore diplomatic relations and reopen their embassies and missions within two months. They have also agreed to hold talks between foreign ministers to arrange ambassadors' exchanges and explore ways to strengthen bilateral relations, according to a tripartite joint statement between Iran, Saudi Arabia and China in Beijing on Friday.

On behalf of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Spokesman Stephane Dujarric welcomed the agreement, stressing that good neighborly relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia are essential for the stability of the Gulf region.

"The Secretary-General reiterates his readiness to use his good offices to further advance regional dialogue and to ensure durable peace and security in the Gulf region," said Dujarric in the daily press briefing on Friday.

What has been reached, in terms of affirming the principles of respect for the sovereignty of states and the non-interference in internal affairs of states, is considered a basic pillar in the development of relations between states and enhancement of security and stability in the region, which would, in turn, benefit both countries and the region in general, and strengthen regional and international peace and security, said representative for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Musaad bin Mohammed Al-Aiban on Friday in Beijing.

"We value the agreement we reached, and hope we will continue to maintain a constructive dialogue, in accordance with the principles and foundations included in the agreement, while expressing the value and appreciation we attach to the continuous, positive role played by the People's Republic of China in this regard," he said.

Noting that the agreement will hopefully enhance security and stability in the Middle East, Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib on Friday called on Arabs to engage in an Arab-Iranian dialogue based on respect for the sovereignty of states, non-interference in their internal affairs, and good neighborliness.

"It is hoped that this step will contribute to strengthening the pillars of security and stability in the region and the consolidation of positive and constructive cooperation that will inevitably benefit the countries of the region, their peoples and the world," Bou Habib was quoted as saying by the Lebanese National News Agency.

Applauding the positive Chinese role that contributed to reaching the agreement, the Palestinian Presidency expressed hope that it would lead to stability and strengthening of the positive atmosphere in the region.

It is hoped that the step will enhance stability and security in the region in a manner based on the preservation of the sovereignty of states and non-interference in their internal affairs, Jordan's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

As a country that has hosted several rounds of Saudi-Iran dialogue, Iraq also welcomed the agreement, saying that "a new page of diplomatic relations between the two neighboring countries begins," according to a statement by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The resumption of Tehran-Riyadh relations will "lead to the development of regional stability and security," Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani told Nour News, a news outlet affiliated with the SNSC.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian tweeted that restoring normal diplomatic relations with Riyadh will provide the two sides, the region, and the Muslim world with "great capacities."

Both Saudi Arabia and Iran extended their appreciation and thanks to Iraq and Oman for hosting multiple rounds of dialogue between 2021 and 2022, and to Chinese leaders and the Chinese government for hosting, supporting and contributing to the success of the talks, the tripartite joint statement said.

Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran in early 2016 in protest against the attacks on Saudi diplomatic missions in Iran following the Saudi execution of a Shiite cleric.

To improve bilateral relations and ease regional tensions, Iraq hosted four rounds of direct talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia in 2021 and the fifth round in April last year.

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